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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Leave the Past

Too many people today are dwelling on the past too much. How do you expect to live the present if you are still complaining about the past, and how do you expect to step towards the future if you have not changed your present thought?

What I am pointing out is if you are tired of the struggles today resulted from you/our past, GET UP and CHANGE IT. There were lots of great leaders in our past history, but that does not mean it ended with them. Everyone of those leaders, outspoken persons were human. They bled and cried just as we do, but they took a stand. The reason we are not moving forward into the future because we are dwelling and complaining instead of taking a stand. We are the people and every last official or tax payers job is under our control. We decide whom we want to manage our systems to our needs, not control it; there's a difference.

In conclusion, take a stand and change you present because "you are what you want the world to be." (Ghandi)

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