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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mind Sex

Hey how you doingsweet thing/ I want to put something on your brain/ Nothing too complex/ This here is mind sex/ And all I ask is you listen/ I got some word action/ Ready for you to inject/ No need for objects/ These words lead to your cerebral cortex/ No spells, not a hex/ Just straight mind sex/ Leaving you trembling, sinking like a shipwreck/ No need for latex/ But be cautious/ Because I can send your mind through a circus/ And it'll be a bonus if I cause you to burst/ You're a goddess/So gorgeous/ I like your moves, so gracious/ I might have to praise Jesus/ I make a promise/ To keep only the realness/ No need to be nervous/ Notice, what I speak is painless/ For you, I give full service/ It's about us - Tonight will be X-Mas/ My words will lift you from the surface/ A pull that'll have you weightless/ Feel the wholeness/ Taste the sweetness/ Nothing too complex/ Just mind sex

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