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Friday, June 26, 2009


My cousin says he wants substance/something right for the audience/motivating/inspiring/uplifting/and moving/Give the people something to uplift their day/take their skies that are grey/and change them to blue/Well that's what I do/Let me start by congratulating everyone/Yall shining like the sun/I'm proud of you/I know days can be tough/and things will be rough/But you're still standing/Fighting/You're my motivation/My inspiration/Remember no one's perfect/your hustle I respect/I know how it is/when it comes to handling biz/To work in ways one doesn't want to/But you/you get the job done/Keep doing your thing Sun/Let them point/and hate/You know you're great/Why they pointing fingers at you/ they need to analyze themself/Quit all that chastising and try to provide some help

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