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Friday, March 6, 2009

Encounter with Beauty

Oh how you make feel/You make me feel so good/I feel like a whole new person/How you give life a whole new reason/You create a beautiful uplift/Such a fulfillment/I want to gracefully fly through the sky/My Cleopatra you've grown into/Words from you sound so true/Things come so brand new/An attraction I became drawn/Hypnotized by your smile, I undergone/For I cannot get this picture out my mind/Loving the way you walked so strong in the wind/Such an appeal/Surely you are a woman of steel/I glance/Stopping you to check out your stance/Pondering what can I do for a chance/To show you true romance/I'm digging the you mind/Both our thoughts become entwined/Intelligent/That accent/I like when you talk/Your walk/Such like a lady/Beautiful/No doubt about that/Into you I am/Sweet like a yam/Anxious I become/Twirling my thumbs/Impatient I grow/Just to see your glow/Original and new/I had no clue/I would run into you/You are indeed/A queen

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