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Monday, March 16, 2009

A Day in the Sun

Today is a such a beautiful day, the sun is out, my breath is fresh and I think I got through one of my shorties. I was talking to the little homie about what he wants to do in life, being that he's sixteen. He states all he wants to do is "chill" and wait on the next thing to happen. I grew intrigued by his comment. So, I asked what does he want out of life. Reluctantly, he replies he just wants money.

I wonder what happened to today's generation's ambition. Is it so gone into materialistic objects that substance does not matter?

Anyways, back the my story. I explained to the kid that he's not gone to get far if he lives his life without a plan, and expecting the moment to live out itself for him. You got to give you goals a agenda/schedule. Because, just "chilling" will only result to time wasted.

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