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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Moment

Damn I'm so high/I must think I can fly/Grab skittles out the sky/I think I took the blue pill/I'm head over the hill/Trapped in the Matrix/My mind just too complex/Maybe that's why I smoke/It the only time I can let my thoughts soak/I've tried to stop weed smoking/But I love this feeling when stroking/Feel so good/I be in such a good mood/So much makes sense/Never too tense/I can let it all out/So much I can talk about/I feel like a modern day hippie/I'm okay poppy/Your boy grown/Don't frown/I feel closer to you/When I blow too/So many people I've met/And I don't have cold sweats/The colors/The flavors/All so attractive/I become retroactive/I wanna hear some old school/I'm not a fool/Just laying cool/By the pool/Listening to some Jimi/Grooving and doing the shimmy/My imagination/Has found an inspiration/I have so much motivation/Artistic/Optimistic/About life/I move swift/My dreams come true/So much we go through/All problems go away/I love to just lay/Take time to think/Before I put my words in ink/I'm thinking about the color pink/The lady I saw I gave her a wink

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